
Textiles & Crafts

This is not an instructional group, so members usually have a range of sewing/knitting/crocheting/beading skills ‘under their belt’.
This group provides an ideal opportunity to see a variety of craft skills being carried out and may encourage members to try out new skills. We are, above all else, friendly and willing to share our knowledge and take on new ideas.

Group Convenor: Teri McAvoy

Meeting place: Members’ Room – CSP Community Centre

Meeting Day: Thursday, 3rd week in the month

Time: 2pm to 5pm

Group Size: 34

Vacancies: No


Group Objectives

  • To provide a meeting place for members who are interested in any form of textiles or crafts, to meet up and share knowledge and ideas
  • To meet in a social setting so that we can stitch and chat
  • To inspire members to try different skills by providing tutor led workshops or by attending local or national craft events

News and Photos


Contact The Group's Coordinator

You can contact us by completing the form below or emailing textiles@chalfontsu3a.org.uk

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